Our machine is produced by our company for the filling of dry chemical powder fire extinguishers. This machine we produce is the safest and easy to use machine that can be used in a filling facility and manufacturing sector. Chemical powder fire extinguishers can be filled from 1kg to 50kg. It automatically continues to fill in the same kg by taring once during filling. Separate tare is not taken separately for devices of the same type in different kg. Whichever kg the operator has adjusted, there is no need for a second tare or adjustment.
Special teflon filter is used in our machine and cleaning is done automatically with air in every filling.
It is supplied ready to use with a 300 kg hopper silo and a special vacuum pump is used for our oily machine. This machine, which is designed for filling fast, reliable and without loss of time during filling, is manufactured by us.
The appearance and working principles of the machines we produce may vary due to positive updates.
VOLTAJ 220 volt / 50hrz
MOTOR İtalyan İcme marka vakum motoru
DOLUM HIZI 22 sn/6kg KKT
KULLANIM Kuru kimyevi tozlu bütün yangın söndürme cihazları dolumu
FİLTRE Makinemiz için özel yapılan teflon filtre kullanılır.
AĞIRLIK Yaklaşık + – 67 kg
KOLİ EBADI Makine 50x70x110; Silo 66x66x110
BOYA Beyaz ve turuncu pütürlü endüstriyel boya
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