Automatic Fire Extinguisher Nitrogen Pressing Unit

Product description:

Our machine is manufactured to pressurise dry chemical powder fire extinguishers after the dry powder filling work is completed. This unit is specially designed for filling nitrogen gas from 1kg dry chemical fire extinguisher to 50kg dry chemical fire extinguisher. It is automatically set to 18 bar, starts automatically with a button without any additional operation and stops automatically at the end of the filling process. Operator safety is also considered during filling and the door is made more reliable with a fire extinguisher balance piece and a panic button for misplacement and emergencies.

The appearance and working principles of the machines we produce may change due to positive updates.

Product Information:



ÜRETİM                ANKARA / TÜRKİYE

VOLTAJ               220 volt / 50hrz

DOLUM HIZI         10 sn/6kg KKT

KULLANIM            Kuru kimyevi tozlu bütün yangın söndürme cihazları basınçlandırma

AĞIRLIK               Yaklaşık  + – 35 kg

KOLİ EBADI          Makine 80x80x150cm

BOYA                   Beyaz ve turuncu pütürlü endüstriyel boya

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